pp108 : Changing the location of the upload and download folders

Changing the location of the upload and download folders

The topics describes how to enable uploading a file to a service and down loading a file from a service.

To enable uploading a file to a service, the installer creates a folder in the Process Platform installation directory  (<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/content/uploadcontent) with the appropriate permissions during installation. Similarly, the installer also creates a dedicated folder for downloading a file from a service (<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/content/downloadcontent).

Sometimes you may want to move these folders to a different location. For example, when setting up a highly available cluster, these folders must be moved to a shared file system. Perform the following actions to move the folders to a different location.

Modifying wcp.properties

Set the related properties in the wcp.properties file:

Property name Description
com.eibus.web.tools.download.DownloadReadPath The directory containing the download file placed by the service container. In case of a multinode cluster, all nodes must set this to a path that maps to the same shared file system location.
com.eibus.web.tools.upload.UploadWritePath The directory in which the temporary copy of the uploaded file is created. In case of a multinode cluster, all nodes should set this to a path that maps to the same shared file system location.

Setting the appropriate permissions

The Web server requires access to the upload and download folders. In the download folder, the service container requires write access and the Web server needs read access. In the upload folder, the web server requires write access and the service container requires read access.

The access rights are as follows:

User DownloadReadPath UploadWritePath
<Process Platform user> read/write read
<Web server user> read read/write


  • <Process Platform user>: The user running the Process Platform.
  • <Web server user>: The user running the Web server. In case of IIS, this is the user running the application pool in which Process Platform is configured.